Minutes VVOC 12/12/09
1. Talked about the t-shirts and decided that Helen would look into the possibility of ladies styles. Will order 2 mens shirts and tote bags for Jacki, Melissa and Helen.
2. Need to put up a post about fasting and our different perspectives. Should we be discussing what we do? Does this diminish the purpose of fasting? Perhaps some general information about fasting – this needs to be a communal posting so that we are all comfortable with the content. Add in a comment regarding the nature of fasting – that it doesn’t have to be scary or an impossible task. (Frederica Matthews-Green book had a good passage about fasting)
3. Vasilios clarified that the personal aspects of the site would be testimonials and recipes etc and that all other info is resource based/links out.
4. Dates for VVOC 2010
* 6/2/10
* 10/4/10 – Picnic
* 5/6/10
* 2/10/10
5. Tasks for 2010:
* Jacki – to continue campaigns
* Melissa – recipes
* Vasilios – contact us form
* Helen – nutrition focus
* John – restaurant reviews
6. Noted the importance of stating the nature of content – fact or individual opinion.
posted in Meetings |
Everyone at VVOC would like to offer a big welcome to our new member and contributor – John Moorhead. John is a Vegan and Orthodox Christian and has been with the group for over two months.
Looking forward to John’s posts on the site.
Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – VVOC Administrator
posted in News |
Coming up to Christmas, it seems the perfect opportunity to remind our meat eating friends of the cruelties of factory pig farming and encourage them to either go without or to buy free range. Especially since some of them will have seen the expose recently shown on 60 Minutes about the topic.
Have a look at:
http://www.animalsaustralia.org/features/60-minutes-the-hidden-truth.php#article for more information about the work Animals Australia has been doing in conjunction with 60 Minutes to show the truth to the Australian public.
posted in Campaigns and Events |
VVOC 14th August 2009 6:30pm
Members Present
Jacki (With very good reason:-)
1. All members agreed that work from previous list needs to be completed!
2. Lentil Loaf and roast veges were a hit. Recipe to go up on site.
3. Vasilios discussed his latest creation of the “Eurasion Salad.” ( A combination of endive and other salad veges with a dressing based on soy sauce – very yummy but not auditioned at this meeting!) Vasilios to put up recipe on site.
4. Melissa requested a Greek Salad recipe to go up on site.
5. Meeting interrupted for a discussion about Cyrano the cat. After sufficient pats and cuddles, meeting continued…..
6. All members agreed to put up their testimonials regarding becoming vegetarian before next meeting.
…..short interruption to enjoy chocolate coated strawberries from Melissa – yum!….
7. Discussion about our dream to set up an animal rescue farm.
8. Melissa to write a review of “The Loving Heart,” cafe.
9. Vasilios to create a page for Testimonials.
posted in Meetings |
Lentil Loaf
2 cans lentils
1 medium carrot
1 stick celery
1 cup bread crumbs
130g tomato paste
1 medium onion
1 egg or equivalent egg replacer
1. Use a food processor to process 1 can of lentils. Remove this to a large bowl.
2. Process the carrot, celery and onion until finely grated. Add to the processed lentils.
3. Add the unprocessed lentils, tomato paste, bread crumbs and egg or egg replacer. Mix well.
4. Press into a lightly oiled loaf tin and bake in 180C oven for about 35 minutes. Stand for 10 minutes before turning out.
5. Serve with gravy, green beans and roast potatoes.
posted in Recipes |
Kangaroo Campaign
Animal Liberation is running a campaign to try and protect the devestation caused to kangaroo populations by the gourmet dining industry. Please read the information found at the following site:
It is really worthwhile to read the information they have compiled which outlines exactly how devestating it is to the kangaroo population in ways that would not necessarily be obvious.
Please, if you have time, write some letters to the lists of restaurants they have compiled, and ask them to stop contributing to the suffering of these beautiful animals which are a symbol of our country and deserve to be better protected by our government.
posted in Campaigns and Events |
The Guardian Campaign
Here is an interesting campaign, found on a website with many interesting topics, called All-Creatures.org
Information on the Guardian Campaign can be found at:
The campaign asks us to consider ourselves guardians of our companion animals (and other animals in the community) rather than owners (or bystanders). It urges us to make a committment towards ethical treatment of all animals in a way that hopefully stimulates thought.
Also worth looking at whilst at their website, is “Ten Commandments for a Responsible Pet Parent”
posted in Campaigns and Events |
As a followup to last month’s highlighted campaign, I am asking you to please join the following call for action:
Perhaps less well known than Canada’s seal slaughter (at least to me) and even more distressing if you read the details about it’s support by an Australian company, is the slaughter of seals in Namibia.
Please go to Animals Australia at:
http://www.animalsaustralia.org/take_action/namibian-seal-slaughter/ and join the petition to encourage the company Hatem Yavuz to stop financing this atrocious event by their purchase of the pelts, of which they are the only company still doing so, in what has been named the “largest and cruellest seal slaughter”.
posted in Campaigns and Events |
I have recently returned from Switzerland where I met with a wonderful restaurant idea. Tibits is a fabulous vegetarian restaurant in Zurich which serves buffet style food which you pay for per 100g. You could load your plate up with lentil salad, dumplings, tofu curry salad, cottage cheese, bread, roast potato, green salad, fruit, tiramisu and much, much more. This type of restaurant would be fabulous to have around the corner!
posted in Restaurant Reviews |
Olympic Shame 2010 – PETA’s Campaign to End the Canadian Seal Slaughter
As the world turns its attention to the Vancouver Olympic Games, millions will also focus on Canada’s shame, so PETA is calling on the Vancouver Organizing Committee to use its clout to help stop the Canadian seal slaughter.
www.olympicshame2010.com is a newly launched interactive Web site, which is a spoof of the Vancouver Olympic mascot’s site. The aim is to intensify global pressure on the Canadian government to end the bloody seal slaughter once and for all. Take a look and join the campaign…
posted in Campaigns and Events |