Meeting Minutes 9th April 2011
Thank you to John, who hosted our meeting today and provided a scrumptious lunch. We shared some delicately flavoured lentils served with bread and salads, one of green beans and one of cucumber dressed with coconut milk. Lovely, thank you John.
Topics discussed:
(1) We talked about our local Indian restaurants and all agreed that it would be good for each of us to post reviews of these.
(2) Helen raised that there was recent talk that Oprah had challenged her staff to be vegan for a week! Helen to put up a brief post about this.
(3) Discussed the idea of a VVOC excursion to Melbourne to participate in Holy Week in English at the Good Shepard Australian Orthodox Mission which is based at Monash University. Helen to look into this and gather some info for the group.
(4) Melissa kindly offered to host the next VVOC meeting.
(5) Our August meeting will hopefully be a Skype talk or online chat to include Melissa and Jacki, who will both be working on the Mercy Ship in Africa.
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