Meeting Minutes 4th June 2011

Mung Bean Fettucine
Thank you to Melissa, who kindly hosted today’s meeting. Melissa is very talented in the kitchen and prepared a wonderful lunch for us consisting of an Arabian salad (a warm salad of chick peas, spinach, onion, cumin and garlic), dolmades (vine leaves stuffed with rics and herbs), and mung bean fettucine topped with roasted vegetable and tomato sauce. The mung bean pasta was a relatively new discovery by Melissa and has a lovely texture and a light flavour, a great alternative for those who are gluten intolerant. The pasta also has a nice appearance (see picture to the right) and looks similar to spinach fettucine. The piece de resistance was most definately the dessert. We all sat and watched in awe as Melissa whipped up an apple pie in front of our eyes, vegan, gluten and sugar free to boot! As we talked over our agenda for the month we could smell the wonderful aroma of the pie being freshly baked. If only I had taken a camera, it was definately photo worthy! Oh well, I guess we will just have to get Melissa to make another one in the very near future.
1. Jacki has reported that she is unable to use Skype whilst on the Mercy Ship, so couldn’t participate in today’s meeting. Melissa and Jacki will both be away for our next meeting – having a lovely break off the coast of Sweeden! Melissa is looking into setting themselves up so they can participate in out next meeting – our group will be having a simultaneous vege meal in two locations, one having lunch in Sweeden, the other dinner in Brisbane.
2. Our Holy Week trip for 2012 would coincide with work commitments for both Helen and Melissa. Helen to look into possible leave.
3. Melissa raised that she has become aware of a petition to lobby for the ban on the live export of meat. Helen to upload this in the news section.
4. Vasilios has decided he would still like to pursue the campaign – “Breaking Eggs With Compassion” for 2012.
5. Vasilios reported that the site is due for some maintenance and upgrades to WordPress.
6. Vasilios has agreed to look into the cost of placing a google ad to increase our traffic.
7. Helen to check that a reciprocal link has been placed for the Vegan/Vegetarian Society of Queensland, and also to continue pursuing other connections.
8. John to research the cost of placing a classified in a publication he subscribes to, “The Vegan.”
9. Items for our next meeting: Vasilios to report on statistics and cost breakdown of google ads. Melissa and Jacki are to report on all the wonderful vege cuisine they have been sampling on their trip- lucky ducks:-)