• VVOC.org

  • A Resource For Vegan And Vegetarian Orthodox Christians

Our Pets

Jacki and Melissa

From left to right – (they are great friends as you can see) – their favourite past time is watching for gekkos on the screen doors.

  • Lily –  a little shy around strangers, so not often seen other than by members of the household!  Very sweet and very clever.
  • Riley – the “velveteen kitty” – oh so soft, very affectionate in nature, but watch out – loves to play and bite!
  • Abby – very outgoing – the leader of the pack – beautiful and cuddly with a very distinctive voice!


Helen and Vasilios

  • Cyrano is the boss of our house!  He likes morning walks and being in charge:-)



  • Bert is the oldest of our three cockatiels.  He likes having his head scratched, but only if you use your chin!


  • Harry is the second of our three cockatiels.  He loves a scratch and sings the teddy bears picnic.


  • Josie is our little girl.  She is very affectionate and loves sitting on your shoulder.




Pushkina was a most affectionate cat.  She enjoyed that time of year when the weather would cool and would eagerly anticipate the arrival of a certain wolly jumper (her favourite) each winter.
