“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
I truly believe this statement to be true. And as a vegetarian, this leads me to think about the dairy industry. Of course I don’t participate in the suffering of animals that are raised for consumption, but what about the animals that produce the dairy products? Buy free range, and then you believe they have a good life whilst they produce your eggs, milk and other dairy products. But what about all the boys? I mean the males – who of course don’t produce anything to eat. So what happens to them? It’s easy to ignore thinking about this when you think of yourself as doing the right thing by not eating animals. But this too can be an area of great cruelty to animals. Like the bobby calves, for example. — the “by-products” of the dairy industry, unwanted and treated as “waste”. While dairy cows are impregnated yearly in order to produce high milk yield, the problem of ‘disposing’ of unwanted calves is routine across the entire industry. Sent to the abattoir, bawling for their mother, starving hungry as they are allowed by law to be not fed for up to thirty hours, and in some cases, treated cruelly. Their inability as babies to comprehend what is required of them, whether during loading for transport or up the races of slaughterhouses, requires them to be treated with compassion and patience — two human traits rarely witnessed when it comes to dealing with unwanted and ‘worthless’ animals.
If the thought of killing unwanted 5-day old calves is unacceptable to you, then tell the dairy industry that you don’t think animals should be discarded and killed like ‘waste products’. You can take action by writing to the dairy industry, using a link on the Animals Australia website.
And choose your dairy products carefully.
Barambah Organics for example, don’t consider the calves to be a waste product, and all their calves are kept on their farm in their care. No Barambah calves are sent to the abbatoir. Go Barambah!!
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Tell UNESCO: Bullfighting isn’t culture, it’s cruelty.
Every year, about 250,000 bulls are killed in bullfights — stabbed multiple times with barbed lances and banderillas (spiked wooden sticks) before suffering slow, agonizing deaths in front of an audience, including children.
Back in July 2010, the parliament of Catalonia, a region of Spain, voted to ban the “sport” of bullfighting in their region. What a huge step forward that was, in the fight against the cruelty of the bullfight. You may remember it was highlighted on this blog – WSPA urged the general public around the world to join their campaign to seek the voters within the Catalonian parliament to see that many people around the world regarded it in a strongly unfavourable light.
Despite the fact that attendance at bullfights is at an all-time low (a great indication that people are rejecting this as a “sport”), and that many cities and countries have in fact banned bullfighting, the French and Spanish governments are seeking to protect this cruel bloodsport by asking UNESCO to give it a “cultural heritage” listing.
By going to: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/235/701/860/?z00m=20130990
you can sign a petition asking The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) NOT to sanction this cruel activity under the banner of “cultural heritage”.
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Not so long ago it was Remembrance Day, and as a person who is from a military family, I was delighted to see people participating. But it also reminded me about the Purple Poppy – the symbol for all the animals of war – victims, survivors and fighting helpers. How many of them are effected even now in present day wars! How many lost their lives in the past and still lose their lives in the present. “Shoulder to Shoulder” with fellow humans – battling, saving lives, so helpful, so courageous and so silent.
I remember, even now, the stories of my family which go back several generations – about the devotion of military horses to their masters. There was even (and may still be in the old Orthodox Christian prayer books) a special blessing/prayer for cavalry horses and their officer/companions – read before any upcoming battle. I’ve heard from Orthodox Christian Americans, serving in deployments, that military chaplains often bless both the serving dogs and mine specialists before they go on dangerous missions.
Animals don’t have a voice but we do! Support the Purple Poppy today. Remember the animals who gave their lives in human battles.
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It was truly magnificent to be a part of the London Vegan festival this past summer. So much inspiration. So many great people from all over the world. Workshops, tasty food, talks and great company – what can be better? It becomes better when it’s all vegan! And in that place, in that time, it was definitely so. Discussions were challenging. Recepies affordable. Cruelty free alternatives soothing to the soul. All in all a wonderful day in a life of an Orthodox Christian Vegan person.
P.S. Yeah, I know… One of the Christian groups’ talks was awfully boring and a huge disappointment for the people who attended. Let’s hope, that it works out better for them next year as I don’t think that a 45 minute monologue of Bible quotations will be welcomed again. I’d also like to hope that VVOC.org’s voice will one day be present at the London Vegan Festival – the voice of vegan and vegetarian Orthodox Christians needs to be heard much more.
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Kattens vern (cat conservation)
When in Norway recently, I visited a store that sold all things cat. It was really lovely and had everything from clothing, jewelry, handbags and clothing, to items to make your cat’s life as happy as it could be. I discovered it was actually an organisation raising money to look after the homeless cats of Norway! Check out their website www.kattensvern.no (Google translate comes in very handy…)
As a cat lover, it’s so great to see that there are people in other countries just as concerned for their welfare. If you read the story on the website about a Norwegian woman trying to help the cats in Libyan markets, you will be very sad, but it’s encouraging that she is making such an effort.
I like that they have used Ghandi’s quote on their website:
“A nation’s greatness and its ethical progress can be judged by how it treats animals …
I believe that the more helpless an animal is, the more it is eligible for human protection from human cruelty.”
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For Vegan or Vegetarian Orthodox Christians based in Canberra (Australia), Vegans in the Nation’s Capital are finally following the example of their bigger capital city cousins and holding their own vegan festival. The first ever Canberra vegan festival – the ‘Living Green Festival’ – is being held on Sunday 16 October 2011 at the Albert Hall, a well-known heritage building right in the centre of Canberra. The Festival will focus on the relationship between climate change, the environment and animals. It will showcase ways people can reduce their carbon footprint and be more considerate of other animals we share this planet with. The theme of the Festival is ‘a kinder shade of green’.
The Living Green Festival will feature live entertainment, speakers, children’s and video zones plus many unique product and food stalls. It will be held on the last day of Canberra’s big flower festival – Floriade. The Festival venue is also close to nearby tourist attractions such as the National Museum, Questacon and the Parliament Houses. It is accessible by bus, bicycle and on foot.
More information about the Festival can be found at www.livinggreenfestival.org.au. If you’d like to participate in the Festival in any way you can get in touch with the organisers via the following email address contact@livinggreenfestival.org.au The Festival is being run with the assistance of ACT Government Climate Change Grants.
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Break The Cycle Africa – 3 Jul to 14 Aug 2011
I think most vegetarians (not a blanket statement) would agree that compassion for animals also equals compassion for our fellow human beings. (The shame about this is that often this is not necessarily vice versa.) I am fairly certain that within our membership we are in agreement that we love animals and people and hope for better for those of the human race who suffer.
Since I am currently in Africa, this month I’d like to continue with the African theme and highlight some Aussie cyclists who are doing their bit by riding mountain bikes 5668 km across Southern Africa. This event aims to raise money for child focused projects in Southern Africa.
You can learn more about this event and how it can be supported, follow their blog, leave messages of encouragement etc, at:
Good work guys – we salute you!
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Independent MP Wilkie and Senator Xenophon announced on Tuesday 31st of May that they will be submitting a bill to ban live animal export to Parliament on 20th June. You can support this by following the links below to sign petitions and or write letters to you local member of parliament. Act quickly! 
Get Up! – Action For Australia – Petition
Animals For Australia
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Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS)
It’s always nice to see that after a natural disaster, there are peopel out there looking out for the animals, as well as the humans… check out the website at: http://jears.org/
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