Take a look at our newly updated recipe page. The ‘Recipes‘ page appears under the ‘About’ tab on our home page. We are beginning to collate some of our favourite recipes. There are sweet and savoury vegetarian and vegan recipes available. Enjoy!
posted in News, Recipes |
Our restaurant page has now been updated to include an alphabetical listing of all the restaurants reviewed by vvoc.org. Please go and take a look! The ‘Restaurants‘ page appears under the ‘About’ tab on our home page. Hopefully this will make searching for a place to find veggie food near you a little easier.
posted in News, Restaurant Reviews |
VVOC.org is happy to announce that a new author is signing up as a content contributor to the site. His name is Jason Derry and he is a vegan Orthodox Christian based in, Michigan – U.S.A. Jason’s main focus will be Orthodox Saints’ (and religious figures) approaches to animal rights and caring for creation.
He comes to us as a Communication graduate who’s currently finishing his masters degree in Environmental Education. Jason is looking forward to starting a PhD in Communications next year. VVOC.org is most fortunate to have someone of his calibre putting together content for the site.
Jason’s journey is of particular interest (to many of our readers), as it involves becoming both an Orthodox Christian and a vegan, almost simultaneously. Please visit the testimonials page at: http://vvoc.org/about/testimonials/ and read how he embarked down this path.
On behalf of the site’s contributors – welcome to the team Jason. We’re all looking forward to your postings.
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Not so long ago it was Remembrance Day, and as a person who is from a military family, I was delighted to see people participating. But it also reminded me about the Purple Poppy – the symbol for all the animals of war – victims, survivors and fighting helpers. How many of them are effected even now in present day wars! How many lost their lives in the past and still lose their lives in the present. “Shoulder to Shoulder” with fellow humans – battling, saving lives, so helpful, so courageous and so silent.
I remember, even now, the stories of my family which go back several generations – about the devotion of military horses to their masters. There was even (and may still be in the old Orthodox Christian prayer books) a special blessing/prayer for cavalry horses and their officer/companions – read before any upcoming battle. I’ve heard from Orthodox Christian Americans, serving in deployments, that military chaplains often bless both the serving dogs and mine specialists before they go on dangerous missions.
Animals don’t have a voice but we do! Support the Purple Poppy today. Remember the animals who gave their lives in human battles.
posted in Campaigns and Events, News |
It was truly magnificent to be a part of the London Vegan festival this past summer. So much inspiration. So many great people from all over the world. Workshops, tasty food, talks and great company – what can be better? It becomes better when it’s all vegan! And in that place, in that time, it was definitely so. Discussions were challenging. Recepies affordable. Cruelty free alternatives soothing to the soul. All in all a wonderful day in a life of an Orthodox Christian Vegan person.
P.S. Yeah, I know… One of the Christian groups’ talks was awfully boring and a huge disappointment for the people who attended. Let’s hope, that it works out better for them next year as I don’t think that a 45 minute monologue of Bible quotations will be welcomed again. I’d also like to hope that VVOC.org’s voice will one day be present at the London Vegan Festival – the voice of vegan and vegetarian Orthodox Christians needs to be heard much more.
posted in Campaigns and Events, News |
As you know, VVOC.org is a resource for vegan and vegetarian Orthodox Christians. The site’s contributors form a loose network of vegan and vegetarian Orthodox Christians who also try to get together (in their localities) for a meal as often as they can.
Up until recently, the network was primarily made up of the founding members who were based in Brisbane – Australia. Thanks to other vegetarian and vegan websites, VVOC.org has been widely promoted and its existence has been brought to the attention of a much larger number of vegan and vegetarian Orthodox Christians – both within Australia and overseas.
To broaden the scope of the site’s material, VVOC.org is happy to announce that Anastasija Lewis is joining the contributor’s team as a content provider. She is a vegan Orthodox Christian based in London – U.K. and will be focusing on animal rights issues. Anastasija is also hoping to give a talk on Orthodox Christianity and Veganism at the annual Oriental Churches meet up in London as well as bring together vegan and vegetarian Orthodox Christians in her locality for regular meals. All VVOC.org’s original contributors welcome Anastasija and look forward to her postings from the U.K.
Anastasija is a psychologist by profession. She describes her journey to veganism on our updated testimonials page – please check it out.
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Independent MP Wilkie and Senator Xenophon announced on Tuesday 31st of May that they will be submitting a bill to ban live animal export to Parliament on 20th June. You can support this by following the links below to sign petitions and or write letters to you local member of parliament. Act quickly!
Get Up! – Action For Australia – Petition
Animals For Australia
posted in Campaigns and Events, News |
Recently, it came to this VVOCer’s attention that the Royal Wedding Menu was to be enitrely plant based. With great interest I set about investigating further. Unfortunately, upon delving deeper, it turns out that this was in fact an elaborate April Fool’s Joke! See here for more info. Such a shame really:-(
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In early February, Oprah challenged her staff to try a more compassionate eating regime by going vegan for a week. To read the whole story follow this link.
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Everyone at VVOC would like to offer a big welcome to our new member and contributor – John Moorhead. John is a Vegan and Orthodox Christian and has been with the group for over two months.
Looking forward to John’s posts on the site.
Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – VVOC Administrator
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