A Book Review – Feeding Your Vegan Infant – With Confidence
Practical guide from pre-conception through to pre-school.
Author : Sandra Hood
A book review:
Done beautifully. Easy to read. Highly factual. Up-to-date masterpiece. Do I need to say anything else? Oh, yes, it’s vegan too. But you knew that already didn’t you? I honestly prepared myself for a boring read through, and to my surprise this book wasn’t.
Knowing the author from her workshop/discussion at the Vegan 2011 Festival in London, I firstly bought the book because of its high publicity. Thinking that, as it is one of a kind (for now anyway) it can get away with anything basically. And yes in many ways it was a “basic information” read, nicely presented with no revelations or big secrets to follow or be revealed in the process. But in my opinion this is the power of it. And not a disadvantage at all.
It clearly carries through that veganism is easy, doable, safe, fun, healthy and even exciting. And how much better can it be then?
Now when we are approaching Christmas season (depending on the Calendar of course) it is nice to know that this book may be included in Christmas lists of some people and then many more will benefit from it. Check it out for yourselves. Share it. Smile while reading it, but most of all spread the message of the beauty of a vegan lifestyle in everything & everywhere, even and especially if/when you are expecting…
May God bless you and guide you in His Love and Wisdom,
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!