Loving Hut International Vegan Restautant
2/1420 Logan Rd, Mt Gravatt, Qld
The entire VVOC team converged at the Loving Hut for lunch, and we all enjoyed oursleves. There is a very good range of openers, among them a creamy corn soup with silken tofu and mushrooms, the corn largely dissolved to create a beautiful smooth texture; the slightly sweet Inari sushi, in which finely chopped veggies with rice come wrapped in tofu skin; Vietnamese rolls of sprouts, carrot and parsely wrapped in rice paper, and, unexpectedly, perfectly respectable popato chips with a side dip. The favourite main dish was the Loving Wrap, which consists of tofu and mushrooms in a tofu wrap, and comes with generous serves of vegetables and rice. A number of the dishes listed on the menu contain ingredients described in such terms as vegetable protein and soy protein; by and large we prefer to steer away from such concoctions, although for some people, particularly those new to a non-meat diet, they can be very welcome. All in all it was a great lunch, as good food was shared in the best of company.