• VVOC.org

  • Highlighted Campaign for June/July

28th June 2010

Highlighted Campaign for June/July

(My apologies for a lack of highlighted campaign for May, and this one barely scraping in to June, I may as well marry it up to July…)

While the World Cup is in the media’s headlines, activist groups are taking the opportunity to campaign against the slaughtering of kangaroos and their joeys to make football (soccer) boots.  Read the following newspaper article in the Daily Mail, 22 June, 2010: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1288639/WORLD-CUP-2010-John-Terry-kangaroo-skin-football-boots.html
There are some graphic photos there, so please be prepared.  Have a look at VIVA (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) website at:  http://www.viva.org.uk/  for further information about the campaign.  There is a link on their website to their Save the Kangaroo campaign (http://www.savethekangaroo.com/) where you can sign a petition asking the EU to become a kangaroo meat and leather free zone.

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