Highlighted Campaign for January 2011
My apologies for skipping November and December 2010 – Please don’t take the lack of a campaign posting to mean that I can’t find a good one to mention… There are so many groups out there campaigning on a variety of issues which are important to vegetarians and vegans. Let’s start 2011 by highlighting a campaign which has a very simple message:
Meatless Mondays Australia – Check out their website at http://meatlessmondays-australia.com/
The Australian arm of Meatless Mondays is one of ten around the globe, including in USA, Canada and Britain. Aiming to promote the benefits on both the environment and on health, Meatless Mondays is encouraging people to at least eat meatless one day of the week. Reducing meat consumption by 15%, ie one day of the week, lessens the risk of chronic preventable illness and helps slow climate change. The website has some easy to read facts on the state of Australian’s health and our environment. The site also has some great vegetarian and vegan recipes, highlighting how delicious vegie food can be.
How can we support them? Spread the Meatless Mondays message – the more people who take part, the greater the difference that can be made. So get your family, friends, school, workplace, organisation, cafe, restaurant, shop, EVERYONE, involved. The website has downloadable posters, flyers and pamphlets.
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