Happy Realm Vegetarian Food Centre
100 Eu Tong St (#03/16 Pearl’s Centre) Singapore
Ignoring the opinion of the Greek philosopher who believed that you cannot step into the same river twice I decided to return to a restaurant where I had eaten very well in the past (posting of 5 Dec 2010). A dish of sweetened green chillies having been brought as an appetiser it seemed a good idea to order a meal based as much as possible on green foods. The first dish to arrive was spinach and mushrooms, the latter white and thinly sliced with a hint of ginger in the background. Next to come was bean curd with green chillies in a black bean sauce that gave it just the right amount of saltiness. In typical Chinese fashion the soup brought up the rear. It was based on green vegetables with a few additions, among them chunks of tomato (red, not green!) that complimented and washed down the other dishes perfectly. On this follow up visit I was impressed not only with the immense depth of the menu but also the way in which each dish has been thought out and prepared in a way to bring out the best in the ingredients. Perhaps this slightly different perspective supports the opinion of Heraklitos: the river may stay the same, but the person stepping into it may have changed. Be this as it may, I left the Happy Realm in a state of great contentment, not even being tempted by the whiff of durian from the stalls in Eu Tong Street. May this unusually long review encourage others to sample its wares.
The nearest SMRT station is Outram Park.