VVOC Meeting Minutes 10 April 2010
Members present:
Jacki, Melissa, John, Vasilios and Helen
1. We enjoyed a beautiful lunch prepared by John – Thank You! Dishes included Gazpacho soup; guacamole; carrot dip; tahini dip; chick peas and spinach with potatoes and red onions; green beans with tomatoes, onions and zucchini in olive oil.
2. Thank you to John for all your restaurant reviews.
3. Thank you to Jacki for her latest campaign and the article from Father Themi.
4. Raised the idea of starting another resource section to contain books. This may include reviews or lists of Orthodox books, Vegan/Vegetarian books and children’s stories about animals rights etc.
5. Must follow up on t-shirt and bag photos for website. Need to also follow up on link to Dewey’s website as Jacki has reported that it had disappeared.
6. Discussed pet profiles. Need to create a separate page for this content. Perhaps to include content around the therapeutic nature of pets in people’s lives.
7. Discussion around animals and spirit. Vasilios presented the idea that animals have a spirit which is more of a fringe Orthodox idea. John presented the idea that animals don’t have a spirit in the same way as humans, which is the more traditional Orthodox view.
7. Planning a picnic for our next meeting – Sherwood Arboretum. Emails and updates regarding this to go on website soon.
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