The Big Little Book Of Happy Sadness
This is a lovely children’s story by Colin Thompson about a young boy who finds the friendship he needs while visiting an animal shelter on the way home from school. It teaches children about love, caring and responsibility. It also teaches about the wonderful way animals can touch our lives.
George lives with his grandmother and a big empty space where his mother and father should be. One Friday on his way home from school, George visits the animal shelter. There, in the very last cage, is Jeremy, a sad dog who looks as lost and lonely as George feels.
When Jeremy comes home to live with George and his granny, their whole lives change, and they learn that when it comes to love, it’s quality not quantity that counts . . .
The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness has won the Family Therapists Picture Book of the Year 2009 and Honour Book in the CBCA 2009 awards.
ISBN: 9781741662566
Imprint:Random House Austral
Subject:Child Picture
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